Short Story
Focuses on the unique characteristics of the genre. Explores classical and contemporary representative stories from around the world. Applies a variety of literary criticism models to selected stories. Online course requires computer knowledge. Prerequisite: ENG101.
Subject Code: LIT
Course Number: 211
Credits: 3
Lecture Hours 3
Course Learning Outcomes:
1. Explain their personal preferences and opinions relating to classical and contemporary short stories from around the world.
2. Define the formal elements of narrative (point of view, plot, character, setting, mood, tone, theme, and symbol).
3. Evaluate short stories using a variety of literary criticism models (Formalism, Semiotics, Post-colonial, Feminism, etc.).
4. Identify influential writers of short fiction.
5. Identify landmark works of short fiction.
6. Apply the rules of mechanics correctly in written work.
7. Employ credible academic sources as part of literary research.
8. Create coherent written critiques of short fiction.
Effective Term: Fall 2020

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