Applied Music: Private Voice Lessons
Instruction in voice by a qualified private teacher. Hours to be arranged with instructor. Students registered for Private Voice Lessons will be charged an Applied Music fee of $400 per course to offset the additional costs of private instruction, in addition to the College’s standard tuition and fees. This fee is 100% refundable prior to the first day of the term, and non-refundable on or after the first day of term. A minimum of twelve 40-minute lessons is required per semester for 1 academic credit. Students are required to present a performance examination at the end of each term. Prior experience is not necessary. Credit in this course will not satisfy Fine Arts requirements in any degree program. Prerequisite: None.
Subject Code: MUS
Course Number: 128
Credits: 1
Lecture Hours 1
Course Learning Outcomes:
1. Present a vocal jury or performance.
2. Apply correct vocal technique (such as breath, posture, resonance, diction, registration, phonation).
3. Explain human anatomy and physiology as it relates to the physical process of singing.
4. Memorize a minimum of two songs (lyrics, melody, phrasing, rhythm, etc.).
5. Apply correct performance technique.
6. Interpret the meaning of a song from the perspective of a singing actor.
7. Model proper performance etiquette at a jury or performance.
8. Create an individualized repertoire book specific to the student’s vocal range and ability.
9. Discuss a variety of composers or genres within their appropriate context.
10. Collaborate with an accompanist.
11. Critique vocal or performance technique.
Effective Term: Fall 2023

Tutoring Services
Tutoring for all GCC students is available free of charge by professional and peer tutors. We are offering tutoring online for: accounting, math, writing, chemistry, physics, general biology, anatomy & physiology, American Sign Language, and success skills.